President Gavin's last PG Tips

25 April 2014

Pg tips March 2014

This is the very last presidents report from me, in a season that everyone told me would fly by, and guess what , it did! With the end of the season, came an end to the daily emails which I needed to deal with. After closing day, it was like turning the tap off! They say there is no one, as past, as a past president.

The closing day was a well attended happy affair with the star of the show Steven and Hazel's meal which, as throughout the year, was fantastic . The various prizes were given out and received and Liz took many pictures of the winners .

I would like to thank Theresa for all her work thoughout the year, it was a pleasure working with her. I really did enjoy my year as president but have to say it was made a lot easier as Jean was organising and reminding me of all my dates and duties . 

Now back to my day time job and luckily I'm keen and ready to go, as spring is the busiest time of the year for me! There is lots to do before I can relax and enjoy the summer , cattle yards to empty, slurry stores to empty, ground to plough and sow and cows to turn out to grass . After all that during the summer I can take it a bit easier, go some holidays, enjoy a bit of golf, do a bit of jogging and a bit of walking with Jean, then as the nights get a bit longer and a bit colder I will then
be thinking again "could do with a game of curling". Have a good summer.


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